Your food storage can mean the difference between life and death.
Emergency storage should always begin with water. You can live without food for several weeks, but you cannot live without water for more than three days. Learn how to store water, how much to store, (the bare minimum is 1/2 gallon per person perday for consumption, more for hygiene) for how long, and where to find extra water in an emergency and how to purify it.
You can limit the amount of water you need to set aside by stockpiling water purification tablets, a gallon of bleach, or a portable water purifier.
See How to Store an Emergency Water Supply
Carbohydrates should account for 50 to 60 percent of the foods you put in long-term storage. Stock up on carbohydrates such as grains, pasta and rice.
Protein sources should to be about 25 percent of what you store. Store canned meat and beans as they are excellent, long-lasting sources of protein. Include dried beans , which take up less space than canned beans, but remember you’ll have to use water to cook them.
Salt, technically known as sodium chloride, is vital for survival as it plays a crucial role in health. The sodium contained in salt is an essential nutrient that allows an organism to maintain it's ionic balance and to retain water to keep hydrated. Without salt we would dehydrate. Sodium is needed in the body to regulate fluids and blood pressure, and to keep muscles and nerves running smoothly. The amount of sodium considered adequate to promote good health in adults is 1,500 mg per day. 1 teaspoonful contains about 6 grams of salt, 6 grams of salt contains about 2400 mg of sodiumm - well above the daily recommendation Since most processed (canned as well as dehydrated) food products already have salt added to them most people consume well over the recommended daily intake of salt. A diet high in sodium is associated with an increased risk of high blood pressure and is a major risk factor for stroke, heart disease and kidney disease. Excess salt intake can also cause a gradual deterioration of memory and increase the risk of Gastric cancer and osteoporosis. Remember to be careful about the amount of salt you add to foods and beverages and what salt is already in them. In a crisis situation medical help may be unavailable.
Include pepper, garlic powder and your favorite spices and dried herbs. Tasteless food will become unpalatable quickly. Include sugar and/or honey and olive oil for cooking and flavoring food.
Supplement with dried foods such as dried milk, powdered eggs, dehydrated fruits and vegetables, or dehydrated ready-to-eat meals. All are ideal space-saving long-term food items.
Store only those foods you know you will eat. And remember to rotate your food regularly.
Recommended Books
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